In order for the PTSA to support our school, we rely on money we raise through our fundraising events and donations we receive. All donations are 100% tax-deductible as we are a non-profit organization. A receipt will be provided upon request.
You may be able to double or even triple your donation by clicking on the Company Gift Matching link to check if your employer's name is on the list of companies that offer this service. If your employer is not on the list you may want to check with your Human Resources/Payroll Dept.
WHS departments welcome donated supplies and materials that you may have an abundance of, such as gently used art supplies, paper, pens, pencils, general office supplies, etc.
Thank you for your continued support!
For the full screen PDF, please click here.
Amazon Smiles
Another way to donate is through Amazon Smiles.
Amazon Smiles is exactly the same as Amazon, except 0.5% of your purchase is donated to us (no extra charge for you or us)!
So.. for the next time you should at Amazon, please head to Amazon Smiles instead :).
For the full screen pdf, please click here.